Sunbelt Indiana Business Resource

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Life Plan Before Business Plan

This blog post kicks off a three part series on Start-up Success for Small Business Trends. Great advice for anyone looking for success in their entrepreneurial path.

By Melinda Emerson,

Many people dream about owning a small business. You may be one of those people who have had a “notion” for years that someday you would be president of a company, successful beyond your wildest dreams. Turning that dream into reality is an evolutionary process. It involves not only having a solid business idea but also knowing the “business of running a business.” You will need to get your arms around stuff like accounting, marketing, and operations, but before you dive into crunching numbers for your business plan, consider this:

It is my strong belief that would-be entrepreneurs need to develop a life plan before they ever write a business plan. Why, you ask?

Because entrepreneurs who don’t get clear about what they want from life run the risk of starting a business that might not be a good business for them.

To read the full article... click here.

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