More lenders lending again thanks to secondary market improvements!
The SBA is hiring more lending people than all banks combined.

This months’s survey provides promising news. More banks are lending again and the SBA is reporting significant improvement in the number and dollar volume of loan approvals. Almost all SBA districts are reporting sharp increases in loan activity in April and May. The PLP Approval Office is hiring credit staff as quickly as they can find them. This encouraging sign shows a strong commitment by the SBA to a continued quick turn on PLP approvals.
While more loans are being approved, credit remains as tight as it has been all year. However, the number of small business applications continue to rise. Those interviewed for this survey reported high loan applications. And it appears the customer is more willing than ever to meet the lender’s loan requirements to get approval. This includes additional capital injections and providing more collateral as requested. In addition, there is very little argument over the pricing of the loan.
Many lenders have reported that the biggest issue they are facing is real estate appraisals that continue to come in lower than required. This is particular true in hard hit states like Florida, Nevada and California. And apparently, sellers are more willing than ever to negotiate to make the deal work.
The industry is showing signs of improvement but, it appears that this economic recovery is going to be protracted. With growing delinquencies in commercial real estate loans, credit managers are not likely to loosen up approval parameters in the foreseeable future.
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